Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Amsterdam, Amsterdam...

I've survived my weekend in Amsterdam!

I will be the first to tell you, that you can enjoy Amsterdam even if you don't particularly enjoy cannabis. The city itself is incredibly quaint and charming. Everyone there seemed to be at least a foot taller than me, and they all rode bikes. I almost got run over a zillion times, but it was fun.

The Anne Frank museum was incredibly moving. It was a lot to take, especially on the first day there, but it was beautiful. I am so glad I went! I also got to go to the Vincent Van Gogh museum which I was soooo happy I went to. 14 euros well spent. The man was, simply put, a genius. I loved learning about his life, and where he pulled inspiration from. The Red Light District was a real eye-opener. It was amazing to me that a place like that EXISTS. I loved it and I didn't even buy a prostitute!

But perhaps the most monumental moment of my trip to Amsterdam, was the fact that I ENJOYED A BREAKFAST FOOD ITEM THERE. For those of you who know me, I'm not a big breakfast eater - waffles, pancakes, most eggs, French toast, ew ew ew. I hate it. But there was a glorious little restaurant called The Pancake Bakery that won me over. I ordered a banana pancake. Out came a thin slice of Heaven, almost like a crepe, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Oh my GAAAWWWWDDDD. I ate that shit up and I'm proud of it.

Here are some random pictures (not minessss, my camera's not here yet - stolen from Tim!)

Canal in Amsterdam.


My plate perfectly outlined in powdered sugar.

I get to see Ian McKellan in Waiting for Godot tomorrow, which is booomb. Also, if you have the chance to read/see the play The Whisky Taster ever in your life, SEE THAT SHIT. Just do it.

Off to Dublin this weekend! Ta.

xo Jamie

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