Sunday, February 21, 2010

The streets of Dublin...

I'm back from another weekend trip! This time the motley crew went to Ireland. I feel so refreshed. There is something so magical about Ireland. If you're thinking about going...GO!

We flew into Dublin and spent the first day exploring. Does anyone remember Westlife? They're a European boyband who had a hit in the USA in 2000. We saw them in the window of a department store raising money for the situation in Haiti. We went out at night, and let me tell you, Dublin knows how to party. People are so incredibly friendly, charming, welcoming and want to have fun. Saturday, we went out to the countryside - more importantly, Dun Laoghaire and Bray. I will put pictures up once I swipe them from my friends, bahaha. The water reminded me so much of my home in Olympia. The smell of the water, the atmosphere. I've been feeling a little anxious and stressed, so the daytrip was exaaaactly what I needed. In Bray, I met up with a good friend of mine from high school who is studying abroad in Vienna, but was visiting Dublin. She, her Irish boyfriend, Hallie and I then went to her boyfriend's gig about 45 minutes outside of Dublin. On our way to the gig, he stopped at Killiney. We saw Bono's house, Enya's house, and Van Morrison's house - WHO KNEW?! The pub the gig was at was WONDERFUL. We were the only Americans in there - no tourists. It was a REAL Irish pub with incredible Irish music playing. Look up the band - Ladd Lane. They are absolutely fabulous and mesmerizing. I drank Guinness (I was in Ireland, come on) and the magic of Ireland made it taste like candy.

Most of the class in Dun Laoghire.

Dancing with Jessica to the music of an Irish accordion player.

View from Killiney (outside Enya's house - HELLO).

I'm back in London now, rejuvenated and beyond happy that I experienced the magic of Ireland. The accent alone is worth the trip. My birthday is in 2 weeks and GREECE in less than that! HOLLABACK.

xo Jamie

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