Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The interweb, at last!

Hello, devout followers. I finally have internet in my flat, so this sucker can get updated more often.

It is hard to believe I've been in London for three weeks now! Time is flying by already. I've done and seen so much in three little weeks. So here's a recap:

1. Found and moved into our flat. Our landlord is batshit crazy.
2. Met all my teachers and am mildly obsessed with all of them.
3. Saw Buckingham Palace (my girl, Queen Liz).
4. Went to a crazy club and drank a little too much.

5. Went to Westminster Abbey - beautiful and eerie.

6. Saw The Caretaker, which was mind-blowing.

7. Went to Bath and saw...the Roman baths. Tasted the water, too - liquid copper. Delish!

8. Drank a little too much in Bath. No, those weren't all for me.

9. Saw Stonehenge (didn't pee on it as I had planned - instant fame).

10. Saw The Habit of Art starring Uncle Vernon.
11. Planned trips to Amsterdam and Dublin. More to come!
12. Eaten/discovered so many sweets, it's sickening (but also the best everrrr).

That is what has happened so far in a nutshell. I can't believe it's already February! I'll be back in the states before I know it, so I want to see as much as I possibly can while I'm here. I miss everyone back home terribly! I think of you all frequently, don't fret. Until next time!

xo Jamie

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